A trade union is a membership-based organisation and its made up mainly of workers. the trade union aims to protect its members in the workplace.
Most trade unions are independent of any employer. However trade unions try to develop close working relationships with employers. This can sometimes take the form of a partnership agreement between the employer and the trade union which says their comm on interests and objectives.
BECTU is effective in representing both employees and freelance workers. so this means full-time staff, part-time staff, project workers, contract workers, freelancers, casuals and dailies.
BECTU is the uks media and entertainment trade union which covers broadcasting, cinema, film, digital media, independent production, leisure, theatre and the arts. Membership is voluntary and anyone working or seeking employment in the sectors covered by BECTU can join.
BECTU aims to protect jobs, increase membership, win new recognition agreements, improve pay and conditions of service, including pensions.
BECTU has a significant role to play in connecting freelances to one another so that information of mutual benefit can be shared. there work helps to lessen the sense of isolation that freelances can experience.
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