Friday 13 January 2017

unit 8 - outline of practical skills gained (12)

In studying media for two years i have practical and transferable skills that i can use on my day to day life and later on my professional life.

Editing skills

firstly i would begin with the editing skills that i have learnt by using formats like final cut pro which i didn’t know how to use before the course began because of this I have picked up skill that can be used at a later time I’ve learnt how to upload videos, do voice overs, and detach audios or video.

 I could use this in my job which may later require utilising some of the skills learnt or even if I needed it for my own personal use like making youtube videos etc. I could also use this to help and teach someone else how to use the format.

Time management 

I have learnt to make sure that things are done on time to make sure that deadlines are met and making sure that Nemours other tasks are kept up to date as well as I don’t want to fall behind or get a fail. Also this taught me to be organised with everything I do.
Through my media studies I have learnt how to research in depth because some blog work wasn’t always straight forward. 


Also within media studies I really had to come out my comfort zone and work with other especially with people I didn’t really talk to. This is helpful in everyday life and even in a professional aspect because it shows that I’m able to work others and take on board everyone’s suggestion to make a final product. We had to be organised with everything we do.


I have learnt how to pitch correctly and in front of an audience because this is a transferable skill as I may use this within a future work place. To do a pitch I would it on power point. I would have to use pictures and little to no words so that I could properly present in front of peers and give them eye contact.

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