Friday 23 December 2016

unit 8- vertical and horizontal integration (3)

Image result for vertical and horizontal integration mediavertical integration is where an institution has shares or owns each production. its where a company does many different jobs of creating the product/service and produces, distributed, and exhibited their films. an example would be Warner bros, they own there own film studios and they produce and market and distribute the films.  as well as that they have there own some of the cinemas in which they are shown. which uses horizontal Integration for its power and profits.

Image result for warner brosan example of a Warner bros production would be harry potter. which was created by warner bros than distributed by warner bros distribution then marketed by several time warner companies. this helps the production have a wider audience as they gain more profit.

another example would be sky pcl who provide triple play services of television,internet and phone service. earing up 7.8 billon pound in revenue.

Image result for sonyImage result for columbia pictureshorizontal integration is where a production company expands into other areas of one industry an example would be sony because it own companies like Columbia and rca but it also has holdings with companies like columbia pictures, sony computer entertainment, tristar films and have joined together with Panasonic to help with there technological hardware and together they created blu-ray disc. in the year 2016 sony made 72.06 billion us dollars.

Image result for comcastanother example would be comcast is the largest broadcasting and cable TV company in the world. comcast own NBC, universal filmed entertainment,comcast corporations. comcast have made a positive impact overall and every year there investing more into the businesses and gaining from that. they have helped more than one company to produce films so they are horizontally integrated.

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